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It would likely focus on whether the CCRC had sufficient resources to investigate the 1,000 to 2,000 cases on its books each year, whether the bar was set too high on the test for determining whether a case should be referred to the Court of Appeal and the grounds for judges overturning a conviction.
The CCRC twice rejected Mr Malkinson’s appeals and on Tuesday it was revealed that files obtained by the 57-year-old show the Crown Prosecution Service knew forensic testing in 2007 had identified a male DNA profile on the victim’s vest top that did not match his own.
An internal log of his first application to the CCRC in 2009 shows the body raised the cost of further testing and argued it would be unlikely to overturn the conviction.
Two former senior Government law officers, a former Lord Chief Justice and the head of the justice select committee, have this week called for an urgent public inquiry to establish what took place.
Prof Zellick said there needed to be an investigation to get to the truth of how Mr Malkinson was treated and whether the CCRC made any mistakes in the case. The commision announced on Thursday that it would review its handling of Mr Malkinson’s case and investigate what lessons might be learned.
“We need to find out what did happen, whether there were mistakes in this case and whether, if there were mistakes, it brings into question any procedures or processes of the commission,” said Prof Zellick.
Asked if Ms Pitcher should give interviews, Prof Zellick replied: “Yes.”
Parutions sur le même objet:
Appel à la justice de l’État/Sixième lettre à milord Sidney,Le livre . Ouvrage de référence.
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Paris en l’an 2000/Justice,Le livre . Disponible dans toutes les bonnes librairies.